RMS CET Result 2024: Rashtriya Military School has released the result of the Common Entrance Test. Students who have qualified the written examination will now have to appear for the interview. The method and link to check the result is below.

Rashtriya Military School CET Result 2024: Rashtriya Military School has declared the result of the Common Entrance Test (CET 2024). Students who appeared for the entrance exam can check and download their result by visiting the official website, rashtriamilitaryschools.edu.in.
Students can use their login credentials like application number and date of birth on the official portal to check the RMS CET result.
The RMS entrance exam for admission to classes 6 and 9 was held on December 17, 2023. Students who qualifies the written examination will appear for the interview process.
Rashtriya Military Schools For selected candidates.
Students listed in the final Rashtriya Military School result will be able to get admission in the following schools:
- RMS Bangalore
- RMS Belgum
- RMS Dholpur
- RMS Ajmer
- RMS Chail
National Military School of India will release the final merit list after the interview . RMS CET 2024 interview schedule will be announced in due course.
Selected students will appear for interview test as well as medical examination with relevant documents tentatively in February 2024. The RMS CET Interview Admit Card will contain the complete schedule as well as the address of the exam center.
Link and steps to download RMS result 2024:-
Candidates can follow the easy steps given below to check RMS CET Result 2024.
- Visit the official website of RMS rashtriamilitaryschools.edu.in.
- Under New and Event section click “Result 2024”.
- Enter your credentials including roll number, class and date of birth in the specified fields.
- Click on the link labeled ‘Show Results’.
- Your RMS CET Result 2024 will appear on your screen.