(Check out Time Table and admit card 2024)
CBSE Exam 2024:- The Central Board of Secondary Education is expected to issue theĀ admit cardsĀ for the upcoming CBSE Class 10, 12 board exam 2024 on its official website- cbse.gov.in soon.
The examination of 10th CBSE is commencing from February 15, 2024, the admit cards are expected to be out for both regular and private candidates, within the last week of January 2024. The admit card will include details such as the students’ name, roll number, subjects and their corresponding exam dates, exam and subject code, exam dates and guidelines for the conduct of students during the exam.
Where and how to download admit card for 10th and 12th CBSE examination 2024?
The CBSE examination of class 10th and 12th can download their admit card from the given website of CBSE at cbse.gov.in
and from its Pariksha Sangam portal.

Here’s the step by step method to download CBSE admit card:-
STEP 01:- Visit the website cbse.gov.in
STEP 02:- Choose “Pariksha Sangam” option.
STEP 03:- Click on ‘Continue’
STEP 04:- Select the ‘Schools’ option.
Step 5:- Click on ‘Admit Card, Centre Material for Main Exam 2024.’ (Link yet t generate)
Step 6:- Fill in your valid credentials.
Step 7:- Download the admit card and take a print out.
Candidates must ensure that their personal details mentioned in the admit card are correct and in case of any discrepancy in the information, they must seek clarification from their respective schools or the CBSE.

Students participating in Olympiads and sports during the board exams will be given separate chance to re-appear
CBSE has made special provisions for students who participate in sporting events or international Olympiads during the board exam period. If their schedules conflict with the final written exams, the board will schedule special exams for class 10 and 12 students later. However, this arrangement does not include a separate opportunity for compartment or practical exams.